Atsushi Maeda


I have noticed it has been already over 30 years since I started to learn wood carving under my master sculptor, Mr. Shusaku Zenmoto.
Inami wood carving in Toyama Prefecture is designated as a national traditional craft.
I was immersed in Inami wood carving as I was training.
My master, Mr. Shusaku Zenmoto, was active beginning from hometown Hokkaido and not only in Toyama Prefecture but also his home prefecture of Hokkaido and all over Japan.
Although I have not reached the level of my master yet, I will continue to work hard to develop Japanese culture and nurture successors.

Brief Personal History

Showa 46 (1971) Birth year

Heisei 2 (1990) Sculptor in Toyama Prefecture,
        Study under Late Master Shusaku Zenmoto (picture)
        Learn Inami wood carving

Heisei 9 (1997) Return home
       Study shrine and temple sculptures under the master of traditional
       architectural craftsman, Masuo Kawachi.

Heisei 12 (2000) Independent
       Work on Inami wood carving, Buddhist statues, handicrafts, accessories and designing the way of working.

Business Description

Shrine and Temple Sculpture

When you take a closer look at the family temples, guardian gods, portable shrines and danjiri at festivals around you, you may find that they are decorated in ways you have never noticed before.
But why are there so many kinds of carvings and decorations on buildings?
Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, and even churches of Christianity, Islam and other religions are decorated in various places, and there are many sculptures and decorations that seem to represent a world other than the one we live in.
I am working on sculptures every day, thinking about if there is an answer.


Design Hyogo ~Accessories using local resources~

Hyogo Prefecture has various kinds of attractive industries.
The city of Kobe has flourished as a center of pearl production. I have made accessories using the pearls and camphor trees which are the prefectural trees of Hyogo Prefecture. I have used Akoya pearls, which are selected by a specialist, to create accessories freely with my imagination.
I hope you enjoy them.


Repair of Colored Ranma (transom)

Kawamori Art Laboratory in Kyoto, which work on painting, repairing, and renovating of many national treasures, important cultural properties and others, colored.
We were able to beautifully replicate the original form over time.
A Ranma made in the Edo period has been wonderfully revived over time Ranma..

※Picture above: Ranma(transom) Repair of Fukou Temple, Naruto City in Tokushima Prefecture

Cooperating company:Kawamori Art Laboratory   Click here for the HP 

「Inuneko Nikki」

“Inuneko Nikki” is a brand of wood carving that represents the dogs and cats that live with the customer.
Why don't you keep your precious memories of them in the form of wood carvings?
Why don't you make a one-of-a-kind wood sculpture of your precious memories of your dogs or cats living with you? We will make a suggestion for it with all our heart. After receiving your photos, we will make a sketch and carve it.

Local Mascot

I tried to connect the three regions of Awaji Island, Tokushima and Kobe under the theme of music. The Awaji Kanade-san of Awaji Island was modeled after Dr. Shohei Tanaka (1862-1945), a native of Awaji Island who developed the purely orthodox organ during the Meiji era. Naruto City in Tokushima Prefecture was the first place in Asia where Beethoven's 9th was played. For Kobe, I designed the parade of the Kobe Festival, the port, and Arima Onsen.




About Us

Representative Atsushi Maeda

Location 382-3, Jidaijigashigata, Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture 656-0456

Telephone  090-3465-1049

mail address